



Many groups and individuals have actively assisted PROJECT 1947 since its inception. Some of them are listed here and we invite you to contact them and visit their sites.

UFO Historical Review

Barry Greenwood

Barry Greenwood, co-author of the UFO Cover-Up (also titled: Clear Intent) and for 14 years the voice of CAUS, now publishes the UFO Historical Review (UHR) .

UHR will continue Greenwood's high standard of UFO journalism, with an emphasis on evidence gathering, logical presentation, and a common sense approach where research, and not belief, is the key element to understanding the UFO problem.

Barry Greenwood and Lawrence Fawcett were authors of CLEAR INTENT, the first comprehensive collection of UFO-related documents released through the Freedom of Information Act.


To subscribe to UHR, write to:

PO Box 176
Stoneham, Mass 02180

Rates are US$15 and US$20 for foreign subscribers.   Please make checks/money orders payable to B. Greenwood.

The first issue of UHR is now online and can be read here.

Neither Barry Greenwood nor PROJECT 1947 are currently associated with CAUS. Mr. Greenwood explains his reasons for resigning from CAUS in his statement which can be found at:

http ://

PROJECT 1947 Forum

PROJECT 1947 Notice Board

PROJECT 1947 Historical UFO Reports

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The following web pages belong to researchers affiliated with PROJECT 1947:

Keith Basterfield - Australia

Keith has produced several valuable catalogues which are now available online.

A detailed listing of Australian close encounter cases reproduced in association with the release of Keith's latest book, UFOs - A Report On Australian Encounters.

His three recently revised compilations:

A Catalogue of Australian UFO Entity and Related Reports

A Catalogue of Australian and New Zealand Abduction and Potential Abduction Cases

A Catalogue of Australian Vehicle Interference Cases


A Source Catalogue Of Australian UFO Reports and Ground Traces

Mark Cashman - U.S.A.

Mark's site features several high quality catalogues, articles and analyses of some well-known UFO cases.

Bill Chalker - Australia

Bill Chalker has kindly provided PROJECT 1947 with a collection of Early Australian Historical Encounters.

Some of these reports appear in Bill's recently-published book, The OZ Files, which can be ordered from the Area 51 Research Center in the USA, or directly from the Australian publishers, Duffy & Snellgrove.

Read Glenn Campbell's review of: ozbook.jpg

James Easton- Scotland

James' quality articles about recent UFO sightings in the U.K., Flying Triangle reports, an analysis of the Santilli "Alien Autopsy" film, Roswell, and related issues.

Greg Long - U.S.A.

Greg's impressive site detailing UFOs and other mysterious happenings in the Pacific North-west.

Dennis Stacy

After an accomplished career as a writer and UFO researcher for more than 20 years, Dennis Stacy, former editor of the MUFON Journal, now devotes his time to producing The Anomalist, a high-quality journal "devoted to the study of science, nature, and history. "

Anomalist banner

While Dennis completes another book about UFOs in association with Patrick Huyghe, his current work is a recommended compilation of articles about 50 years of UFOs written by some of the world's best-known UFOlogists:

Fifty Years Of UFOs

Maurizio Verga - UFO ON LINE - Italy

Catalogues, articles and sighting reports from Italy. English pages available.

TUFOIC - Tasmania, Australia.

UFO reports and articles from one of Australia's most respected UFO research groups.

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CISU - Centro Italiano Studi Ufologici

CUFOS - Center for UFO Studies

FUFOR - Fund For UFO Research

MUFON - Mutual UFO Network

MUFON ONTARIO - Mutual UFO Network of Ontario

SOS OVNI - Quebec, Canada. French and Belgian UFO reports.

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UFO-related catalogues, reports and summaries of interest.

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Revised: November 10, 1998

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